iTOO was invited to present at the first round of FIA Broker Power Sessions of 2017 as one of the topics was Cyber threat & insuring against reputational risks from social media and who better to speak on it than iTOO with specialists on the topic being @cyberliabs, Ryan van der Coolwijk and @Ladyliabs, Candice Sutherland. Although sharing the duties, each conducted themselves professionally with the presentations well received.
With sessions in Cape Town, Durban, Bloemfontein and Johannesburg, these two had a busy week moving around the country presenting. “It’s been great having the opportunity to discuss the “Cyber threat & insuring against reputational risks from social media” at such a well-planned, attended and executed event. The audience have been fantastic and well engaged with thought provoking and intuitive questions”. Saying Ryan.
Candice couldn’t agree more. “At each of the venues we were asked good questions. Questions that need to be asked and with Cyber currently being a hot topic, some people may feel a little bashful to ask questions. So, it is good that these were explained so the brokers can pass on the necessary advice to their clients”
The use of social media continues to gain momentum, with 27% of South Africans making use of social media, companies can no longer afford to ignore this channel to engage and communicate with customers. This does however increase the threat landscape and introduce new avenues for compromise. Coupled to this the need to manage crisis communications in the face of the breadth and speed with which news (often bad) can be spread via social media is magnified and creates a solid business case for cyber insurance.
For more information on Cyber Liability and security please contact Ryan.
Or if you missed these sessions and would like to view the presentation, click here to contact the FIA.