Welcome to the second edition of the iTOO newsletter.
Enjoy reading some interesting articles on how COVID-19 is impacting cyber and liability risk and have a look at the iTOOsdays library if you missed any of these sessions.
D&O is cover that every business should have to protect their directors in their personal capacity, but sometimes it is hard to sell, so we developed a video for brokers to share with their clients to explain the cover in a few minutes.
We are certainly living in unprecedented times, where as an industry we will face many challenges as policyholders struggle in difficult economic conditions, some industries are shut down and as we try to understand new and uncertain risks.
There has been some silver linings as businesses adopt technology. They see the benefits of flexible work from home and are forced to rethink the status quo.
During this time, iTOO has committed #ExpertService-Always, a promise to our policyholders and brokers. We have also stayed connected even while we are physically distant.
Winston Churchill said: “Never let a good a crisis go to waste” and iTOO is making the most of this time. Thank you to all of our brokers who have stayed connected with us every Tuesday at 10am for iTOOsdays CPD accredited training sessions and on FriYAYs at 3pm for a social connection before the weekend.
As you navigate through these challenging times, uncertain risks, harder insurance markets and many insurers who are not around when you need them most – there is one thing you can count on – with iTOO, you have an expert by your side.
Managing Director,
Justin Naylor.