17 July 2017 • 2 min read

Econorisk Talks Security

The future and protection of Corporate Information was the topic of discussion amongst guests and speakers at the Econorisk gathering on 06 July 2017. This marked the beginning of exciting events hosted by the Insurance and Risk experts we are proudly associated with. Below is an article featured on their website regarding...



The concept is to provide guests the opportunity to discuss the latest trends in asset and information insurance with each event focusing on a key topic. The #riskseriesJuly_CyberCrime event, which took place at CCJ Woodmead in Sandton, saw onlookers enthralled in the topic of what’s at stake when your business is connected to the world wide web.

Why is it important?

With more businesses focusing on moving their information to a cloud based system, organisations need to understand the various risks associated with doing so. iTOO, a special risk underwriting management agency, was at hand to discuss the potential threats facing a connected company.

“By simply being connected to the web, all devices, individuals and organisations are at risk from cyber-crime. One does not need to be the specified target of an ‘attack’ in order to suffer the consequences,” said speaker Ryan van de Coolwijk, Product Manager of Cyber Liability at Hollard Insurance.

Ryan continued by saying that companies face incredibly intelligent hacking software that puts its information at risk. “So-called ‘spray and pray’ attacks as well as the nature of viruses and ransomware to find weakness in any system, exploit the interconnected nature of the global IT system,” said Ryan.

To request more information, please click here.

When is the next one?

The next #riskseriesAugust_ Fraud&Theft is set to take place on Wednesday 02 August 2017 at CCJ Woodmead, Sandton and will allow you to contextualise the key risks facing your business and how to best mitigate them.

Seats are limited so make sure to book yours at events@econorisk.co.za before Friday 21 July 2017.